Practice charter

What we will do for you

  • You can expect to be greeted in a friendly, helpful and professional manner.
  • You will be treated with courtesy and respect at all times.
  • Work in partnership with you to achieve the best medical care possible.
  • Give you full information on the services we offer.
  • Give you the most appropriate care by suitably qualified staff.
  • Provide you with emergency care when you need it.
  • Try to ensure surgeries start on time.
  • Inform patients if a doctor is called away on an emergency and offer an alternative appointment or, if preferred, another doctor.
  • Refer you to a hospital of your choice when your GP thinks it is necessary.
  • Refer you for a second opinion when you and your GP agree it is needed.
  • Have your routine repeat prescription ready within two working days.
  • Give you access to your health records, subject to any limitations in the law.
  • Keep the contents of your health records confidential.
  • Any complaints will be dealt with in a professional and efficient manner.

What you can do for us

  • A home visit should only be requested for those who are unable to come to the surgery because of serious illness or infirmity.
  • If you are unable to attend for an appointment, please let us know so that we can offer it to someone else.
  • If you are late for your appointment you may be asked to re-book at another time.
  • Try to give us at least two working days’ notice for repeat prescriptions.
  • We would ask you to be patient if the doctor is running late. This is often due to unforeseeable emergencies.
  • Make a separate appointment for each patient that needs to be seen.
  • Tell us if you are unsure about the treatment we are offering you.
  • Let us know when you change name, address or telephone number (landline or mobile).
  • Your privacy is respected at all times. However, reception staff may need further details about your problem to help doctors assess the degree of urgency.
  • Please act in a responsible and courteous manner whilst on the practice premises for the safety and comfort of others. Violence or verbal harassment will not be tolerated or accepted, you may be asked to register at another surgery if this behaviour occurs.
  • We welcome suggestions and feedback as to how our service can be improved.