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Travel clinic

Simple Guide to getting holiday vaccinations for Hingham patients

Plan ahead. Allow at least 3 months before you go. If you are short of time, use a private travel centre.

Please be aware that it is your responsibility to make yourself aware of foreign hazards and what you can do to reduce these dangers.

You will either need to go to a private travel centre who can do every holiday vaccine, or use Hingham Surgery but please note we can only do NHS vaccinations, these are listed below:

  • Diphtheria – Tetanus – Polio (DTP) – (Combined vaccine)
  • Measles – Mumps – Rubella (MMR)
  • Typhoid
  • Hepatitis A
  • Cholera

To find out what you need:

  • Go to the NaTHNaC website
  • Go to Country Information
  • Select the country you are visiting
  • Go to Vaccine Recommendations
    • This tells you the vaccinations you need as well as other useful information about health risks in that country.
  • At the bottom of the page, click the ‘Download PDF’ button
  • If using Hingham Surgery for the NHS vaccinations, then please save this PDF, complete our Travel Risk Assessment Form (this is needed for legal reasons), and attach the PDF to the form when prompted to do so.

Any incomplete forms will be returned to you!

Assuming all the paperwork is in order, our nurses will check if you are eligible for the NHS vaccines (they will not check non-NHS vaccines). This will take 2 weeks.

We will then invite you to make an appointment for the NHS vaccinations you require. This appointment will usually be about a month after you have submitted the Travel Risk Assessment to us.

  • If you are using a private clinic, ensure you print / save your PDF. You might find a list of all your vaccinations useful. If you would like a list of your vaccines to date, then feel free to request it using our Ask the Practice a Question form.

The list will NOT be vetted by a doctor or nurse and will simply be a print-out from your medical record. The list of your previous vaccines does not imply that we have assessed your travel health needs.

List of local private travel clinics: