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Urinary tract infection assessment

Urinary Tract Infection Assessment


Initial questions

Do you feel very unwell? *
Do you have a temperature? *
Do you have loin or flank pain? *
Are you able to carry out most of your usual activities? *
Are you prone to urine infections? *
Could you be pregnant? *

Symptoms and signs

Do you have painful urination? *
Are you having to urinate in the night now and is this a new symptom for you?
Is your urine cloudy? *
When you want to pass urine, do you have an overwhelming urge to do so immediately?
Are you passing urine more frequently? *
Is there blood seen in your urine? *
Do you have lower abdominal pain? *


E.g. Us to prescribe you antibiotics, just do a urine test, appointment with a GP, etc.